Steroids are not a new term in the bodybuilding or fitness world. Most athletes and bodybuilders use anabolic steroids to grow their muscle mass and improve their athletic performance. Steroids are associated with sports, that’s why it is also known as performance-enhancing drugs. When it comes to steroids, you need to understand their types. Probably you have already heard about Corticosteroids. Many people still have confusion in their minds.
Dr. Amy Eicher has worked with the U.S Anti-Doping Agency in the Drug Reference Department since 2009, and she is the special advisor on Drugs and Supplements for USADA.
In this article, we help to make your understanding clear about both corticosteroids and anabolic steroids. Here we will explain the top five facts that will show the difference between Corticosteroids and Anabolic steroids.
What Are Steroids?
Steroids are compounds that bind to hormone receptors, and all have a similar structure in the body.
Corticosteroids bind to the glucocorticoid receptors and have different effects on the body, whereas Anabolic steroids bind to the androgen receptors.
The body naturally produces cortisol. When that cortisol binds to glucocorticosteroid receptors, it will activate the metabolism process, which will help suppress your immune responses and inflammation.
Testosterone is also naturally produced in the body. Anabolic steroids usage will help you to grow your muscle mass, improve bone density and also reduce your body fats. Anabolic steroids also improve red blood cell count and sex drive (libido).

Corticosteroids Vs. Anabolic Steroids (testosterone)
What Are They Used For?
Corticosteroids help you to reduce your inflammation and other allergic reactions. You can apply corticosteroid creams on affected areas of the skin. It is also helpful in rashes and in treating various allergies. Corticosteroids pills can be taken to treat autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus. Corticosteroid injections are used to treat joint inflammation related to arthritis or sports injuries.
Anabolic steroids are used to build muscle mass, improve performance, or helps to prevent loss of muscle during medical conditions such as HIV infection. It also improves your bone density, energy, and stamina. Anabolic steroids intake can give you a speedy recovery from various injuries. Testosterone injections are prescribed to teenagers who are suffering from delayed puberty. Bodybuilders and athletes use anabolic steroids to improve their physical appearance and performance level to win several competitions, and anabolic steroids help them to achieve their goals successfully.
What Are The Side Effects of Steroids?
Both Corticosteroids and Anabolic steroids carry various side effects with them if you don’t intake them properly. The primary medical use of Corticosteroids and Anabolic steroids are different from each other. First, let’s talk about the various physiological effects of Corticosteroids.
#1: Corticosteroids Physiological Side Effects
Corticoids’ primary medical use is to treat people who are suffering from asthma, various allergies, on several inflammation conditions, and other skin disorders. Long-term use of Corticosteroids can cause various side effects that can affect your health. Here are some of the common side effects of Corticosteroids:
- Increase in appetite
- Loss of muscle mass
- Cessation of growth in teenage or young people
- Weaken your bone, ligament, or tendon
- Increase weight gain
- Increase insomnia
- Weaken injured area in a muscle
- Fluid retention and bloating
- Mood swings
- Anxiety and Irritability
- High blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Nausea
- Fatigue

Loss of muscle mass
#2: Anabolic steroids Side Effects
Long-term use or high doses of anabolic steroids may cause various side effects. That’s why we recommend you to use proper cycle doses of anabolic steroids to get the best results. When you use anabolic steroids randomly, it can cause both physical and physiological effects in your body.
#3: Psychological Effects of Anabolic steroids
When you intake anabolic steroids for long term or high doses, it can impact on your limbic systems that affect your brains and cause various effects as below:
- Paranoia
- Mood swings
- Hallucinations
- Aggressive behavior
- Irritation
- Delusions
- Manic behavior
The long-term usage of anabolic steroids can cause different side effects in both men and women, but here we will talk about the common side effects that you may have to deal with while using anabolic steroids.
#4: Common Effects Of Anabolic steroids
- Liver damage
- Kidney disease or failure
- Heart attack
- Stroke
- Gynecomastia (Increase breast size in men)
- High blood pressure
- Increase cholesterol
- Increase red blood cell count
- Fluid retention
- Increase Blood clots
- Fatigue
- Irregular menstrual cycle (In women)
- Baldness (Hair Loss)
- Increase Acne
- Difficulty in concentration
- Hormone imbalance
- Osteoporosis or bone loss
- Stunted growth in teenage
- Breast shrinkage in women

Gynecomastia (Increase breast size in men)
However, It is not necessary that you will face all the above side effects as mentioned before because it depends on various factors such as age, gender, anabolic steroids usage, and steroids cycle duration.
To avoid all the side effects of anabolic steroids, you need to intake them with protection, and it is a compulsion to follow their recommended dose cycle form. It is also essential to perform post-cycle therapy at the end of the steroids cycle to reproduce the natural testosterone levels.
Why Steroids Are Known As Performance-Enhancing Drugs In Sports?
Corticosteroids are used to reduce inflammation, and it gives various performance-enhancing benefits to sportspersons. Corticosteroids help sportspeople to reduce muscle pain and also reduce inflammation of various injuries that they may get during their workouts. According to a study, Corticosteroids are widely used in sports medicine for the treatment of acute injuries. It also helps sportspeople to reduce their pain and help them to recover faster for the next game.
Anabolic steroids are also known as performance-enhancing drugs. According to a study, most bodybuilders and athletes use anabolic steroids to improve their performance over the past decade. Anabolic steroids can help sportspeople do long-term workouts, improve muscle strength and their performance level, and help them get speedy recovery from various injuries.
Anabolic steroids give spirit to the sportsperson to win the competition and achieve their success goals. So, anabolic steroids are associated with sports, and people use them to achieve their success goals in sports.
The Warning Signs Of Anabolic Steroids Abuse
Anabolic steroids usage is only recommendable to those who are older than 21 years. According to a study in the U.S shows 3.3% of high school students means 12% of boys and 8% of girls have admitted that they have been used steroids once in their life.
The Food and Drugs Administration has confirmed that any teenagers use anabolic steroids that can be dangerous for them. So, teenagers need to avoid the use of anabolic steroids.
Bodybuilders and athletes abuse anabolic steroids to enhance their performance. Here are the common ways people use anabolic steroids:
- Cycling: Cycling is the time period to consume anabolic steroids gradually. Generally, steroids cycle periods are 6 to 12 weeks.
- Stacking: When users use two or more anabolic steroids together, it is called stacking. This is the most effective method to get the best results.
- Pyramiding: It is a method of taking anabolic steroids. Users can start with a lower dose and gradually increase the doses to the maximum.
Before taking anabolic steroids, you need to understand how properly you can consume them and how you can avoid the various side effects. This is an essential thing that you should be aware of. Because if you are aware of the different side effects of anabolic steroids, you should use them properly and follow all the rules of cycle doses to reduce side effects.
We covered the top five facts about Corticosteroids and Anabolic steroids that you need to be aware of. Steroids won’t cure you, but they will help you to reduce inflammation. When you consume them properly, they will give the desired outcomes. Both of them have a different medical use; just make sure for which concern you’re using them. If you need any free advice related to steroids, you can ask our coaching experts they will resolve your doubts.