Clenbuterol Dosage

Anabolic steroid Hilma


When it comes to Clenbuterol Dosage the first thing you need to remember is that there is no single dosage for everyone.

The impact of Clenbuterol should be judged on the merits of individual use. People have different physiology and this actually plays an important role in determining a person’s tolerance level. However, for the sake of argument, there is a common Clenbuterol Dosage particularly for bodybuilders looking to begin a cutting training workout program. But before we go into that, it is important to first briefly understand what Clenbuterol is to begin with.

What is Clenbuterol?


Clenbuterol is a steroid that is recommended for use by people with excessive weight problems. This drug will help to burn excess body fat and when it comes to bodybuilding, it can repartition body fat into muscle mass. Clenbuterol comes in the form of a pill or liquid and can either be consumed orally, as in the case of the pill or injected, as is the case of liquid.

Clenbuterol Dosage for Bodybuilders


In deciding on which Clenbuterol Dosage to stick with as a bodybuilder, you need to consider certain things.

First of all, you need to visit a doctor and carry out a comprehensive check-up. Clenbuterol use can be dangerous if you have an underlining health condition, so it is always important to get an all clear from a qualified medical practitioner before using the steroid.

Secondly, you need to understand that the Clenbuterol Dosage that one bodybuilder is taking cannot be applied to your situation. Your body weight is another important consideration, as people of small build would be adviced to consume less Clenbuterol than larger people.

Thirdly, your Clenbuterol use is dependent on your bodybuilding objective. If you are running a cutting program, then you can incorporate the use of Clenbuterol. However, if you are running a bulking training program, then it is not advisable to use this drug. Other steroids like Turinabol and Sustanon would be appropriate for bulking.

Clenbuterol Dosage for a 2 Week Cycle


If you are running a cutting program, then you can start using Clenbuterol for a duration of two weeks. In this case, the appropriate two week Clenbuterol Dosage for an average sized person should be as follows:

Week One:


In the first week of the Clenbuterol cycle, you should increase your daily dosage by 20 micrograms as highlighted below:


  • Day 1: 20 micrograms.
  • Day 2: 40 micrograms.
  • Day 3: 60 micrograms.
  • Day 4: 80 micrograms.
  • Day 5: 100 micrograms.
  • Day 6: 120 micrograms.
  • Day 7: 140 micrograms.

Week Two:


By the second week of your Clenbuterol cycle, you should gradually reduce your dosage by 20 micrograms as illustrated below:


  • Day 8: 120 micrograms.
  • Day 9: 100 micrograms.
  • Day 10: 80 micrograms.
  • Day 11: 60 micrograms.
  • Day 12: 40 micrograms.
  • Day 13: 20 micrograms.
  • Day 14: no administration of Clenbuterol.

As you can see, by day 14 there would be no need to use Clenbuterol. You should also give yourself a two week break from using Clenbuterol. This will allow your body system to recover and reset. It also ensures that you do not become dependent on Clenbuterol use.