Clenbuterol is a steroid-like chemical substance that was developed to treat asthma in horses. Clenbuterol is not an anabolic androgenic steroid, but it is a bronchodilator and decongestant classified drug. A bronchodilator widens the vessels that carry oxygen and increase blood flows by opening airways and decongestants that thin the blood and reduce your blood pressure.
Clenbuterol is an effective and approved medication to treat asthma and other respiratory problems or diseases. According to the U.S Food Safety and Inspection Service, Clenbuterol has been used in animal rearing by vets, and they found animals can gain more muscle mass and less fats.
This substance is now controversial because it is widely used in the bodybuilding and fitness world. Clenbuterol for weight loss can be used by both male and female athletes, Hollywood celebrities and other sports players.
Clenbuterol Overview
Clenbuterol is a Beta2-agonist and classified as a bronchodilator which was developed to treat various breathing disorders such as recurrent airway obstruction (RAO), Inflammatory airway disease (IAD) and asthma. You can find Clenbuterol for sale from all over the internet.
According to an educational study by Louisiana State University, Clenbuterol significantly improves skeletal muscle mass while reducing body fats.
Clenbuterol has strong anabolic effects and is widely used to perform the cutting phase rather than bulking. Clen is not an effective medication to build bigger muscle mass, but it is excellent in reducing body fats. Most famous celebrities have also used the Clenbuterol drug to improve their body compositions and overall performance.
Clenbuterol is thermogenic in nature, and it has the great ability to burn body fats quickly while preserving lean muscle mass tissue. While performing the cutting cycle with Clenbuterol, it may help to add more lean muscle mass and reduce your weight significantly when you are on a low-calorie deficit. It is available in both oral and injectable forms, but generally, people prefer them to use Clenbuterol pills.
Dosage Information Of Clenbuterol
Professional bodybuilders and athletes often take Clenbuterol with different methods such as the On/Off method, increment method, Stacking method, pyramid methods. Either they can use Clenbuterol injection or Clenbuterol pills. The typical Clenbuterol dosage range is between 20 mcg to 140 mcg per day.
Clenbuterol is a milder substance, so its dosage varies depending on gender and their experience levels. Here is the most recommended dosage of Clen based on gender and their experience levels.
→ Clenbuterol Dosage (Men):
- Novice male users: 20 mcg to 40 mcg per day
- Intermediate male users: 40 mg to 60 mcg per day
- Advance male users: 80 mcg to 140 mcg per day
→ Clenbuterol Dosage (Female):
- Novice female users: 20 mcg to 30 mcg per day
- Intermediate female users : 40 mg to 60 mcg per day
- Advance female users: 80 mcg to 100 mcg per day
Clenbuterol substance is banned in some countries, so bodybuilders and athletes were forced to buy Clenbuterol online from the top reputable website or other top pharmaceutical companies.
Cycle Information Of Clenbuterol
The typical Clenbuterol cycle is around 12 to 15 weeks. Users can perform Clenbuterol cycles based on their individual requirements and their purposes. They can perform Clenbuterol solo cycle or stack it with other anabolic steroids to get more effective results. Here is the most recommended cycle of Clenbuterol that you can perform to get more effective results:
Clenbuterol: Only Cycle For Male Users
Week | Clenbuterol Dosage For Beginner | Clenbuterol Dosage For Intermediate | Clenbuterol Dosage For Advanced |
Week 1 | 20 mcg per day | 40 mcg per day | 60 mcg per day |
Week 2 | 20 mcg per day | 40 mcg per day | 60 mcg per day |
Week 3 | 20 mcg per day | 40 mcg per day | 60 mcg per day |
Week 4 | 40 mcg per day | 60 mcg per day | 80 mcg per day |
Week 5 | 40 mcg per day | 60 mcg per day | 80 mcg per day |
Week 6 | 40 mcg per day | 60 mcg per day | 80 mcg per day |
Week 7 | 60 mcg per day | 80 mcg per day | 100 mcg per day |
Week 8 | 60 mcg per day | 80 mcg per day | 100 mcg per day |
Week 9 | 60 mcg per day | 80 mcg per day | 100 mcg per day |
Week 10 | 80 mcg per day | 100 mcg per day | 120 mcg per day |
Week 11 | 80 mcg per day | 100 mcg per day | 120 mcg per day |
Week 12 | 80 mcg per day | 100 mcg per day | 120 mcg per day |
Week 13 | 100 mcg per day | 120 mcg per day | 140 mcg per day |
Week 14 | 100 mcg per day | 120 mcg per day | 140 mcg per day |
Week 15 | 100 mcg per day | 120 mcg per day | 140 mcg per day |
Clenbuterol: Only Cycle For Female Users
Week | Clenbuterol Dosage For Beginner | Clenbuterol Dosage For Intermediate | Clenbuterol Dosage For Advanced |
Week 1 | 20 mcg per day | 20 mcg per day | 20 mcg per day |
Week 2 | 20 mcg per day | 20 mcg per day | 20 mcg per day |
Week 3 | 20 mcg per day | 20 mcg per day | 20 mcg per day |
Week 4 | 30 mcg per day | 30 mcg per day | 40 mcg per day |
Week 5 | 30 mcg per day | 30 mcg per day | 40 mcg per day |
Week 6 | 30 mcg per day | 30 mcg per day | 40 mcg per day |
Week 7 | 40 mcg per day | 45 mcg per day | 60 mcg per day |
Week 8 | 40 mcg per day | 45 mcg per day | 60 mcg per day |
Week 9 | 40 mcg per day | 45 mcg per day | 60 mcg per day |
Week 10 | 50 mcg per day | 60 mcg per day | 80 mcg per day |
Week 11 | 50 mcg per day | 60 mcg per day | 80 mcg per day |
Week 12 | 50 mcg per day | 60 mcg per day | 80 mcg per day |
Week 13 | 60 mcg per day | 75 mcg per day | 100 mcg per day |
Week 14 | 60 mcg per day | 75 mcg per day | 100 mcg per day |
Week 15 | 60 mcg per day | 75 mcg per day | 100 mcg per day |
Clenbuterol Stack Cycle For Weight Loss
Days | Clenbuterol | Anavar |
Days 1-3 | 20 mcg per day | 60 mg per day |
Days 4-6 | 30 mcg per day | 60 mg per day |
Days 7-9 | 40 mcg per day | 60 mg per day |
Days 10-12 | 50 mcg per day | 60 mg per day |
Days 13-15 | 60 mcg per day | 60 mg per day |
Days 16-18 | 70 mcg per day | 60 mg per day |
Days 19-21 | 80 mcg per day | 60 mg per day |
Days 22-24 | 90 mcg per day | 60 mg per day |
Days 25-27 | 100 mcg per day | 60 mg per day |
Days 28-30 | 110 mcg per day | 60 mg per day |

Advanced Women’s Weight Loss Pack – Anavar /Clenbuterol – 8 weeks – Mactropin
Clenbuterol Stack Cycle For Weight Loss
Week | Clenbuterol | Cytomel T3 |
Week 1 | 50 mcg | 25-75 mcg per day |
Week 2 | 50 mcg | 25-75 mcg per day |
Week 3 | 50 mcg | 25-75 mcg per day |
Week 4 | 50 mcg | 25-75 mcg per day |
Week 5 | 50 mcg | 25-75 mcg per day |
Week 6 | 50 mcg | 25-75 mcg per day |
Week 7 | 50 mcg | 25-75 mcg per day |
Week 8 | 50 mcg | 25-75 mcg per day |
Results You Can Expect From Clen Cycle
If you perform the recommended Clenbuterol cycle, it will give impressive results in terms of bodybuilding. The main advantage of using Clenbuterol is that it is not an anabolic steroid, so users don’t have to perform the post cycle therapy after the Clen cycle because Clenbuterol does not suppress the natural testosterone production.
Users can get positive effects within two or three weeks from the Clen cycle. However, Clen’s results will be determined by users’ dosage, length of cycle, genetics, diet and workout routines. Clen is thermogenic in nature, so it increases the user’s body temperature and promotes a quick fat burning process by boosting the metabolism rate.
It is an effective substance to add lean muscle mass and reduce body fats while retaining muscle mass, especially when on a low-calorie diet. It provides higher energy and strength levels and also improves endurance levels and overall physical performance. It is an effective fat burner compound that both men and women can use.
Clenbuterol is an effective fat burning compound that is not an anabolic androgenic steroid but gives similar effects. Clenbuterol promotes lean muscle mass growth, reduces body fats and provides high strength gains. It also increases body temperature and metabolism processes that promote quick fat burning. You can easily buy Clenbuterol from top reputable websites.
Clenbuterol is a popular cutting compound that helps users to reduce their unwanted body fats. If you consume the wrong doses, it may cause several adverse side effects, so avoid it.
Take free Clen cycle advice from our experts if you want to use Clenbuterol.